QR Code Generator

What is a QR code?

A QR (Quick Response) code is similar to a barcode. However, the QR code can hold a lot more information, ranging from a simple message, website link (URL) to your vCard. A vCard (virtual business card) selectively contains all your contact information including name, title, address and lots more, even your website, if you wish.

QR code for text

Why use a QR code?

Enjoy multiple advantages such as:
  • A client may visit your website by simply scanning your code.
  • You are free to add text. How about listing all your services which would otherwise not fit onto your printed piece?
  • Create a vCard. Your virtual business card to include all your contact information. The client may scan your vCard and save it to her/his cell phone.
  • How about a link directly to your social media page?

How to create a QR code for print?

Create your QR code by first deciding what it should contain. Click the type of code, such as text, Website/link/URL or vCard. The appropriate boxes will be presented for you to complete. To finally create your code simply click the [Generate QR code] button. It’s a good idea to test the resulting image directly from the computer screen. If you don’t already have a scanning app there are many free to download. If you are content with the result click the [Download the QR code] button. Now you can use the provided image in any of your marketing material from business cards to brochures.

Future proofing

We truly believe business cards will be a marketing staple for a very long time to come. Introducing a QR code to your business card assures future proofing. Some business people might prefer the traditional business card while a more tech savvy generation will appreciate the convenience of the code. In any case why not make it convenient for both to find you.

vCard advantages

vCards (virtual business cards) allow your contact information to be scanned and imported into a contact program such as Outlook. This certainly beats having to manually type all your information. There is also a 70% higher chance your contact will make its way into your potential clients contact base.

How to scan a QR code

QR codes are scanned with your cell phone. There are also industrial dedicated scanners which we don’t need. Download one of the numerous free apps. For Android we found free “QR Code Reader” works well and has no advertising. iOS with Chrome browser now includes a QR scanner. Multiple free readers may be download for all cell phone operating systems. Simply click the app and make sure to align the QR code you see in the display. Usually a beep will confirm a successful scan. Confirm the action you would like to take, such as save a vCard, follow a weblink, read text etc. That's it! Simple and straight forward.